It's nice to be finished with TQ. There was something about the place that just didn't sit well with any of us. I'm not certain I can place my finger on one, distinct reason why. There was a huge lake adjacent to the place. That should have made for a unique distraction from the normal, dreary existence. However, we couldn't get near enough to the water to enjoy the fact that it existed. A couple of us did attempt to walk to the lake - only to discover we'd been deceived by the desert's ability to distort estimation of distance. On first glance we thought the lake was only about a mile away. Once we started walking we realized that it was more like four miles away. After covering half the distance, it also occurred to us that we wouldn't be able to walk right up to the shore. A perimeter fence and guard posts prevented this.
Although there was an MWR at TQ, it's internet service only worked for about ten minute spurts. The gym was extremely spartan. Its cardio equipment was in disrepair. The Marines all seemed happy though. All they want to do is pump iron. There was plenty of that to push. From the map of TQ, we knew there was a second half of the base on the opposite side of the airfield. We never made it there to see what it was all about. I'm sure it was more of the same. All in all? TQ is a place I'm glad to have in the rear view mirror.
Camp Liberty has become my home away from Balad away from home. Today we were greeted with almost gale-force winds. It was the most blustery day I've had on deployment. For some reason, it didn't pick up the dust. That was a good thing. The wind did make a total mess though. Trash cans were upended and the spilled contents were whipped around everywhere. Somehow I managed to keep my boonie cap from blowing off. I did see several Joes chasing down their caps. It's a comical scene - so long as I'm not the one doing the chasing.
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