Friday, September 14, 2007

13 September 2007: Fog of war clouds my brain

The fog of war set in today. Basically, that means I walked around in a daze most of the time I was awake. I woke up around 1030, made coffee, and attempted to clear the post-mission cobwebs from my brain. It was a dismal effort. The unit that provides my team operational support was having a poolside gathering with food so I finally pulled myself together long enough to stumble over. I hadn’t seen most of the attendees in over three weeks. I stayed for about twenty minutes. The operations officer was excited to tell me that the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders would be performing at the theater that night. I immediately informed him that my attendance was unlikely. It’s not like they were going to get naked or anything. I’m too tired to hang out in an over-crowded theater full of Joes – all of whom think they’re getting lucky with a cheerleader – and listen to their cat-calls. If the girls were going to get naked then I’d consider. Watching them do a bunch of choreographed dance moves and lip-synching isn’t what I’d call entertainment. If it makes Joe happy then it’s cool. I’ll give up my seat for another Joe any day.

After the pool gathering I thought I’d get some work done at the office. All I did was doze off continually as I stared at the computer screen. Around 1500 I’d had enough and went back to my room. I slept until 1800, went to the DFAC, and came back to the office. The cobwebs lingered. It wasn’t until around 2000 that I finally started waking up. At long last I was able to start tackling the mountain of paperwork that had accumulated in my absence. I didn’t even make a dent.

I’ve resigned myself to the obvious fact that over the next few months of continual missions the administrative aspects of my job are going to take a back seat. Shit will get done when all is said and done. It just won’t get done right now.

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