Saturday, September 1, 2007

31 August 2007: "One plane ride away from being ugly.."

Walking into the DFAC this morning brought happiness to every Joe. Every TV was tuned to AFN Sports, which was showing ESPN Sportscenter. The highlights from Thursday night college football were on. That’s right! Football season is officially here. There was even one game still playing when I arrived. LSU was cruising by Mississippi St. 45-0. Apparently, there had also been a full slate of NFL pre-season as well. Next weekend the pro season begins for real. This is good and bad. The good is that football season is everyone’s favorite. The bad is the time difference. AFN will show games live. We’re eight hours ahead of EST. That means sleep patterns are going to be disrupted severely for a lot of Joes who are staying up all night to watch football. I’m sure that by mid-September every FOB will look like Dawn of the Dead.

My team really didn’t need to do much today. We’ve made all our recommendations and we’re waiting for the unit to complete the tasks we outlined. Once they do that we’ll go back out and inspect. For the most part, we spent our day indoors. That’s a good thing too because it was another scorcher today. I even took the first afternoon nap I’ve had in well over a week. By evening time the unit was reaching completion. It looks as though we’ll be able to finish up Saturday.

Unlike the last time I was at UNION III, we’re not getting around the Green Zone on this visit. The two team members I have with me weren’t here last time so they are a little disappointed. We’re so close to the crossed sabers, tomb of the unknown, and Prosperity Palace. It just doesn’t look like we’ll get over to see them though. I keep reassuring them that we’ll be back to the Green Zone. If at all possible, I’ll make certain they get to go on a sightseeing trip before we leave. If that’s the biggest of my worries then we’re doing great. At least spending the entire time on the FOB has afforded me to gather some Joe thoughts. Just today I was in the latrine and noticed the stall had been paid a visit by both "Hard-up Joe" and "Introspective Joe".

Hard-up Joe normally shares wisdom on his female counterparts. Today's wisdom was as follows:

"Attn All Female Soldiers! You are all one plane ride away from being ugly! Again redeem yourselves and give it up once in awhile. Stop imposing a standard you don't uphold yourself"

Then came introspective Joe. He summed up Iraq.

"Iraq - this will all be a boring movie some day"

Perhaps the movie will be based upon my blog. That would definitely make for a long, boring movie!

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