Thursday, October 4, 2007

01 October 2007: R&R day 1

Although I arrived home yesterday my leave didn't officially begin until today. It's R&R policy that soldiers have fifteen full days of leave. If the soldier is on a fifteen month rotation then R&R is eighteen days. My deployment is a year so I get the fifteen days. As I experience my leave I don't really intend to get in depth on my adventures. It's just great to be home. I can't even describe how relaxed I am after just a few hours. I'm sure it's true for all the Joes coming home for R&R. We don't realize how much stress we're operating under until we come home and aren't living with it anymore - at least for a few days. I'm just going to tell you highlights of my days home. The rest of my time is for me.

1. Slept until around 0800.
2. Lounged with coffee in my underwear.
3. Had a big breakfast with real eggs.
4. Went for a 30-mile bike ride on the Bristol bike path.
5. Ate clamcakes in Bristol with a Narragansett beer.
6. Went to the Ivy Tavern to watch the Pats spank the Bengals.
7. Saw several of my friends at the Ivy.
8. Ate a wonderful Ivy burger with bacon and swiss.
9. In addition to the Narragansetts, I drank a Leffe Blonde.

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