Sunday, June 17, 2007

17 June 2007: LSAA-style Fathers' Day

Since the command visit was cancelled I had given the team the rest of the weekend off. That meant sleeping in for me was in order. I did just that. I didn’t even stir until about 0830. Around 0900 I finally arose from a blissful rest. How else should a Fathers' Day start? After getting up I really got busy. By that I mean I lounged in my boxers drinking coffee and watching sports news. Eventually I got dressed and drove to the office. After checking e-mail I stopped by the gym for an early workout. This was really the tone of the entire day – nothing pressing, no deadlines, nobody calling me.

After working out I stopped by DFAC 1 for their Fathers' Day lunch. See the menu in the photo for reference. I guess the consensus was that dads like lots of meaty choices. My place was piled with cornish hen (I guess they were out of BBQ chicken), ribs, and hot link. As a compliment I included the turnip greens, cornbread, and a salad. I tried to remember what I normally eat on Fathers' Day but drew a blank. While eating I had a DFAC first. I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked but didn’t see anything. A moment later I caught the movement again. This time I was quicker to glance. It was a mouse! This was a tiny little critter. He was scurrying along the edge of the wall. I thought for a moment that I might try to stomp the bugger but refrained. Maybe it was a father mouse? If I see him on another day I might launch an attack. I finished eating. It did occur to me that it was the first rodent I had seen in a DFAC since deploying. That’s pretty good. However, I will be avoiding the chicken cordon bleu from now on. There’s too much mystery behind the meat used to make that dish. They always appear rodent-sized in the serving line.

About an hour after supper I gave my dad a call. It was around 0800 EST so he and mom were getting ready for church. I called at this time because back on Moms' day I waited until later, only to find all the circuits busy. Dad was pretty chatty. We talked for almost an hour. He’s the best dad in the world. If anyone deserved to have a happy fathers' day it was him. Hopefully my phone call got his day started right.

My lazy Sunday concluded over on the west side. I stopped by Green Beans for the MWR karaoke. It wasn’t nearly as crowded. People were singing way too much country. Some friends of mine were there so I stayed. They decided to do a group rendition of “Friends in Low Places”. I sat that out.

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