Sunday, July 1, 2007

01 July 2007: Return of the Admiral

It’s a whole new month! July kicked off with a Sunday. My team has no missions ongoing. That adds up to a day off. I had several new team members arrive from Kuwait the night before. I expected to see them at some point during the day but never did. Another soldier on my team at least confirmed their arrival. We’ll get them in-processed on Monday. It is so god-awful hot that I couldn’t spend much time outdoors. My highlight was getting my Admiral back. That’s right! My Chinese-made piece of shit pick-up truck is back in action. W&M told me it would be fixed by today and by golly they meant it. I drove over after lunch to pick it up. When I arrived there was nobody there. However, my truck was present and the keys were inside. I cranked it up, confirmed that it was fixed, and drove it off. I left my loaner there with the keys inside. Since I didn’t sign any forms when I dropped it off I figured there was no need for me to see anyone to switch out. Nobody called or e-mailed later so it must’ve been ok. The good news is that the fan is fixed. I have AC again. They also fixed the other things that had fallen apart.

Other than picking up my truck I didn’t do much else. I checked e-mail, made some calls home, worked out, and took a nap. Later I drove over to Green Beans on the west side. There was a very recently deployed soldier who sang “Light My Fire” by the Doors. His singing wasn’t so hot but he danced up a ridiculous storm on stage. It was hilarious and racy. When I got up I told him that he rocked and advised him not to give that performance at H6 or he’d join me on the banned list. As I put it, “the AF is kinda sensitive.”

Back to work Monday….


Melanie said...

Just curious to know, does the Admiral have another name? You know, like the green bug with the scabby yellow fenders back at ACHS. Now a pic of that would be priceless.

Anonymous said...

Col. Houston:

Hope you are well. sorry to be out of touch for a while. We did a lot to support NY City Fleet Week and Memorial Day. Actually spent a night on the USS Wasp. Took a ride to the ship on a Sea hawk probably like the Blackhawk you described riding in. I wrote a couple of articles on this which were just published.

We are invovled in honoring two deceased Army officers from my hometown of Pelham NY at a sports dinner in NY City on Saturday night. They had been great athletes in high school and at Morgan State. One was lost in Korea and the other in Vietnam. Event is in Harlem which will be interesting.

Working on getting a round of packages out to PC alumni who are deployed, looks like nearly 20 right now.

Will promote your Blog to our group as well.

Stay safe and Happy 4th of July to you and all you serve with,

Best regards,


Ken Kraetzer'79
PC Club of NY
Sons of American Legion