Saturday, July 7, 2007

06 July 2007: Exactly Four Months

It’s strangely peaceful around here these days. July is already a week old yet LSAA has been calm the whole time. I’ve heard several controlled detonations. That’s about all though. Today the big event was a luncheon “Hail and Farewell” for the executive officer. His deployment is over so it was essentially a farewell only. He was presented his award, several people said a few kind words, and then he was whisked away to his flight south. Normally folks don’t go directly to their flight but he had developed some friendships that curried favors. Basically, he got to fly on the MNF-I commander’s Learjet to Kuwait. Talk about riding in style. Most folks fly south on a creaky old C130. I imagine that’s how I’ll go when this is over.

Today marked the fourth month of my deployment. That’s a third of my deployment. It really went by quickly. We haven’t even been that busy so far. This is really going to fly by when our missions start picking up. I’m not complaining. I’ve been finding myself daydreaming of home quite a bit. I need to get busy again so I can stay focused.

I’ve got to visit a few port-o-jons to see if I can gauge what Joes are thinking these days. It’s getting real hot, summer is in mid-stride, and Joe has got to be thinking of home. I’d imagine that would produce some hard core comments. You can rest assured that I will report my findings here.

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