Saturday, July 28, 2007

27 July 2007: Reflections from a slow week

As this week comes to a close I’ve made a few observations. A week back at LSAA has given me chance to reflect on what is and isn’t happening these days. It could possibly be the last full week I’ll have at Anaconda for the next few months. Sitting back and reflecting on the week past, this is what I’ve noticed.

1. We’re getting a lot less IDF. As recently as a month ago we were getting regular, serious IDF. That’s not the case now. I’ve only heard an announcement of an attack twice this entire week. I never heard anything that preceded the announcements. If there were any attacks they were very ineffective.

2. The average daytime temperatures are at least ten degrees higher than they were a month ago. Once this place heats up it just keeps getting hotter. August is the hottest month of the year and it hasn’t even started. We’re pushing 120 daily. It even seems hotter because of the concentration of buildings and paved roads. They absorb heat and, in turn, radiate that heat late into the evening.

3. Latrine graffiti seems to be diminishing. I’m always on the lookout for good Joe humor. When I first arrived it was everywhere. Now it seems all the port-o-jons are spotless. Every containerized latrine has been expunged. When we were at Union III I was certain I’d find something good to report. Instead I was greeted by postings that warned Joes the latrines would be locked if graffiti was found on the walls. Apparently, Joe takes such warnings seriously – no musings could be found anywhere. This is disappointing to me. Joe graffiti has adorned latrines as long as there have been armies. It’s a true art form of expression that shouldn’t be suppressed.

4. Joe still doesn’t give a shit about Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton, or Lindsay Lohan. Why in the hell are we still getting bombarded with news about all of these bimbos? If the collective brainpower of all three were concentrated together it may generate the equivalent intelligence of a catfish. That even takes into account the fact that Anna Nicole Smith is dead. Her brain is probably more functional that way.

5. Barry Bonds? Who’s he? Is it football season yet?

Friday proved to be just another day to seek air conditioning. All I have to do is walk outside and I immediately feel drained. This heat sucks the life out of a person. How can a place this hot be the cradle of civilization? I wouldn’t mind getting snowed in by a Nor’easter right now. That would be a welcome relief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree completely! Who is this pumped up, pompus, steroid ridden guy? There are only a few great athletes left that are still alive, and represent the true limit of human will power. Hank Arron....And Muhammed Ali....Al Unser get the picture. I don't think anyone who "juices" should be put in the same league.