Friday, January 4, 2008

03 January 2008: I'm trying to sleep here!

Some of the lessons taught in Iraq 101 are reinforced on an unpredictable, inconvenient timetable. IDF attacks are one of those lessons. I'm not sure what time of the morning it was - maybe about 0500? I was sound asleep. It seemed like someone was shaking me awake. As I started to wake up, I realized the CHU was shaking. The cobwebs slowly released my senses. That's when it registered. "WHUMP! WHUMP! WHUMP!" Each impact caused the CHU to rock and vibrate. Next the alarm sounded. "INCOMING! INCOMING! INCOMING!" This was quickly followed by another two impacts. They weren't hitting anywhere close enough to concern me (or anyone else on Liberty Pad 8 for that matter). I kept dozing back off just in time for another impact. All I could think was, "I'm trying to sleep here!"

I never could get back to sleep. The "All Clear" sounded. I got up and made coffee.

Later in the day I found out that the saga of awards wasn't over. That's right. Two awards were sent back to me with a whole new set of guidance from above. Fortunately, it was only two awards. I knocked them out in a jiffy. Then I took them to the Engineers' orderly room to digitally sign. They knew exactly why I was visiting as soon as I walked in. Their CQ, a Specialist, looked up and said, "Good evening Sir! Awards again?"

After supper I gathered up a big box of food items that have accumulated in my hooch. I've received a lot of packages in the mail. Once I picked through and retrieved the items I wanted, I had a lot of leftovers. I took them to the Engineers and thanked them for letting me continually use their orderly room. They were grateful.

Ok, no IDF tonight! I need some uninterrupted sleep.

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