Sunday, January 13, 2008

12 January 2008: Boots and PT uniform

It's still muddy here. Although it hasn't rained again, the amount of precipitation yesterday was significant enough to create a mess that will linger for several days. There was some drying today but not enough to provide Joes safe passage on foot. I made the observation today that a lot of Joes were now wearing boots with their PT uniforms. I would like to believe that I had some influence on this - at least this little niche of Camp Liberty. I credit it more to Joe just using the same logic I applied to the mud challenge. That is, rather than ruin perfectly good running shoes just wear boots to and from the gym. Either the uniform policy was changed or Joe just realized it's "easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission".

Today was a rather slow Saturday. The mud seems to have put everyone into slow motion. There seems to be great reluctance on the part of various units to have my team come support them with inspections while everything is surrounded by spackle. I can understand this. Customs requires everything to be free of dirt and mud in order to ship. Doing any work right now with containers runs the significant risk of getting very stubborn mud on everything. That just creates more work.

The mud didn't stop the Cajun Combat Engineers from going out on their normal route recon. All of their engineering equipment is now two-tone. That would be desert sand paint on top, mud on the bottom.

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