Thursday, November 8, 2007

07 November 2007: Three hours for five minutes

As much as I want to write something exciting, funny, or interesting I'm finding that nothing about today fits the bill. I spent half the day down at the MND-Baghdad HQ. That was because I needed to use the phone. I received an e-mail the night before requesting that I call to discuss an issue. Wouldn't you know it? Nobody answered. So a trip to the HQ that should have lasted about twenty minutes took all morning. Finally someone picked up the phone and five minutes later the phone call was over. That came to three hours invested for five minutes of talk. In between attempts at calling I yucked it up with the folks in the G4 section. They always love to see me because it means more of their stuff is heading back home.

Unfortunately, some of my team had to wait out my attempts at the phone. We only have one vehicle. I let them decide where we'd go to lunch. I should've known what they'd want. A few minutes later we were driving over to Sather Air Base to eat at the AF DFAC. It's not so much the food - it's the women. My guys like to look at the AF women. I'm not convinced but the military urban legend is that the AF women are prettier. One of my guys got the shits right as we were leaving the DFAC. That meant we had to wait while he left a permanent mark on one of the KBR port-o-jons.

That was the story of my day. My team is completed with our current mission so we're just biding time waiting on the next one. Basically, we're making up stuff to do for a couple more days. That's ok though - we've got VBC Landfill to entertain us.

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