Monday, August 6, 2007

05 August 2007: Sleep, Food, E-mail, and Calling Home

Having returned in the wee hours of the morning my only thoughts were with sleeping in. That’s exactly what I did. Around 1000 I dragged myself out of bed and made coffee. I was moving at a pace much, much slower than combat speed. There was no hurry today. Likewise, there was no place I needed to be. I relished that fact. I’ll be plenty busy later this week. My priorities for today were sleep, food, e-mail, and calling home. I can proudly say that I accomplished all of them.

I was so focused on the nothingness of my day off that I didn’t even go to the gym. Now that is the sign of me truly taking the day off.

Yeah, I know… this is probably the most boring entry I’ve made. I can’t always thrill my readers with tales of adventure. Even the greatest of explorers, inventors, generals, and artists took a day off occasionally. Today was my turn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say you did nothing - you accomplished a lot - just a change in focus for the day.

All great thinkers have to do that from time to time.