Sunday, December 16, 2007

15 December 2007: Ten shopping days until Christmas

As strange as it seems, it's almost Christmas. I received a package from my Sister and Brother-in-Law. It had a couple of goofy, humorous gifts to keep the air light around here. They also sent several packages of venison jerky. I've already ripped into one - hickory smoked - and it is awesome. I hope I wasn't supposed to wait until Christmas.

Two of the plaques I had ordered were incorrect when I first went to pick them up. I stopped by the bazaar today to find they had been repaired. As long as I was in the vicinity, I stopped by the PX. That's just the way it works. If you're in the vicinity of the PX you have to stop in regardless if you need anything. The place was packed (it's pay day). I'm always amazed at all the useless stuff Joes spend their money on. There were three lines of Joes toting stuff like movies, stereo equipment, TVs, and on and on... I bought something but it paled in comparison. The latest issue of MHQ (Military History Quarterly) was on the magazine shelf and called out to me. I'll have it read cover to cover in a couple of days. After that, I'll commit it to memory and drop it off in some orderly room nearby.

The highlight of the day was getting a phone call through to my parents' house. I just happened to catch my sister-in-law and two nephews over for a visit. They are going to Germany for Christmas so I wouldn't be able to talk to them when I call back on the big day. My sister-in-law was raised in Germany and her mother's family all lives there. I was able to speak to Mom and Dad too. Unfortunately, my Dad and I had only been speaking for a few minutes when we were cut off. I tried to get back through but it was a no-go.

Winter has definitely arrived in New England. All the more reason I would rather be there for the holidays.

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