Tuesday, December 25, 2007

24 December 2007: Stockings hung by the fire with care

Ah, Christmas Eve.... The anticipation is in the hearts of so many. Tomorrow is Christmas! Yet, somehow it just isn't. While we can all look at the calender and know that it is the yuletide season, the spirit just isn't nearly as strong. We have each other - our extended family that we serve with. At least we aren't alone. Camp Liberty is poised. The decorations are up. The schedule for the DFAC celebration has been posted. Even the contracted Ugandan guards checking ID's are wishing everyone "Merry Christmas." I love Christmas and believe in everything it stands for. That means Christmas truly does abide in my heart. It doesn't stop me from feeling homesick. I know I speak for a lot of Joes.

I spent a little time with my two soldiers that remain here at Camp Liberty with me. We went to the postal facility to pick up mail. I had about five cards but no packages. We talked a little about Christmas. I admitted that although I had put up what little decorations I had, I still just wasn't feeling the season. Is it really Christmas Eve? They admitted feeling the same way.

Back in my room, I pulled the presents out from various people back home and arranged them under my wreath. True to tradition, I won't open the presents until the big day. I made a quick strike on the gym and was surprised to see it as full as ever. I came back to find the water temporarily shut off in my hooch. That meant a towel dry after a quick baby wipe rub down. I watched "Elf" on AFN. I walked over to the chapel for a candlelight service. It was a brief service that was a prelude to midnight mass. There were a lot of Joes crammed into that tiny chapel. I had to stand all the way at the back. Christmas spirit was alive and well. For the first time this entire month, I believed that it really is Christmas.
Soon I'll be opening my presents!

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