Sunday, December 30, 2007

29 December 2007: Patriots Perfection

Love'em or hate'em, the Patriots have done what nobody seemed to believe a team could do in the age of salary cap - they've finished the regular season 16-0. Granted, there are still three more wins to go for the season to truly be the greatest ever. However, give them their props. Back in August I made a "shout-out" to the Patriots at the LSAA PAO. I don't remember exactly how it went, but I do remember saying, "look forward to hearing this a lot - Brady to Moss, TOUCHDOWN!" I never could have guessed how accurate that would be. What a season for me to be deployed!

I gave my team an "admin day". Most of the units here at VBC are giving their soldiers as much time off as possible right now. It's not that the war is on hold. It's just that when soldiers aren't going outside the wire they aren't getting tasked with mundane work. It will pick back up after New Year's. We don't have any units redeploying for a few months. The big cycle we've been working is complete.

Apparently, the Ron Paul 2008 campaign has an insider here at Camp Liberty. I stepped into a trusty KBR port-o-jon to find it festooned with "Ron Paul for President" and "Vote for Ron Paul". I guess one of his campaign staffers had a Sharpie handy when he visited the port-o-jon. That was smart campaigning if you're looking for Joe's absentee vote. The port-o-jon is the one place Joe is guaranteed to pay attention to the latest shared public service announcements.

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