Sunday, December 23, 2007

22 December 2007: Motivation check

When it comes to defining something noteworthy, today doesn't fall into the description. After staying up until 0400 making sure my team got back from Prosperity, I had nothing in mind but recovery. I slept in. Around 0930 I got up. It became impossible to sleep. I guess there had been a mortar attack around 0800 that aroused me from a deep slumber. Once my eyes popped open it was impossible to get my sleep back on. I lounged with coffee until noon.

The two Coast Guard personnel that I've had with me were called back to Kuwait by their chain-of-command. It's unfortunate because they volunteered to be here and want to remain in Iraq for the duration of their deployment. I ran interference as long as I could to keep them here. With our work winding down it's becoming impossible for me to keep delaying sending them back. After lunch I loaned them the NTV so they could start looking for a flight back to Balad. They have to go there first to clear their hand receipts with the unit that provides us billets. A few hours later they stopped back by my hooch to drop off my mail. I let them keep the truck for now. They have a flight for tomorrow.

I didn't even walk over to the gym today. Motivation was slack. Christmas is upon us but it just doesn't feel like it. I guess I'll have to make up for it next year.

Speaking of Christmas, there are two shopping days until the big day.

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