Monday, December 31, 2007

30 December 2007: As if I don't have anything better to do

I apologize that my blog entries have periodically been sparse. It's not that I don't have material - I do. It's just that the animal called awards keeps rearing its head. There is some sort of sliding scale that determines the standards my higher command is using as guidance. Unfortunately, the slide on the scale has a sail attached. Every time the wind blows the slide moves, thereby changing the guidance I'm supposed to follow. I thought that I had everything finished to command's satisfaction. The last direction I received was "no MSM's! You must submit BSM's or ARCOM's only". Based on that guidance, I jumped through the hoop to adjust all the awards I had previously submitted. Surprise! Late today I find out the wind must've been blowing that slide around again. New guidance - everyone in Iraq needs to be written for BSM or MSM. What? Why was I getting static about MSM's just 24 hours ago? Whatever, I'd rather have the option of MSM than not. Fortunately, this doesn't affect every award. I only have to rewrite five.

Oh yeah, I also have work to do. So the end result is I have less time to blog. At least I have this venue to bitch. I certainly hope this is the last time I have to touch these awards.

I was glad to see the Titans beat (barely) the Colts 2nd string. I believe it will be a short visit to the playoffs for the boys from Nashville. It's better than not making the playoffs at all. Anyway, it's the Patriots year.

1 comment:

Jack and Joann said...

I read your blog. Are you ok? You haven't posted in awhile. Hope you are ok.