Monday, May 21, 2007

20 May 2007: Do nothing Sunday...

Sunday and no mission…. What do I do? How do I spend a day off in Balad? Do you really want to know? Honestly folks, it was pretty boring. I can’t say that it’s something I’ll be sharing with the grandkids in about thirty years. The day was just a collection of random musings. I woke up around 0800, had my coffee, and went to breakfast. Just for good measure I caught up on some of my paperwork from the office. It was blistering hot out so I decided the pool was a no go. Besides, I’m working on a whole week without any run-ins with the Sergeant Major. I did go to the MWR to fight with a shitty internet connection for about an hour. It took that long to post my blog entry. I’m not happy about the blog getting filtered by the LSAA server. Oh well… I just can’t stress about things I don’t control. The rest of my day consisted of a nap, a workout, chow, and a phone call home.

While surfing the net I discovered something I hope all of you will check out. I’ve mentioned before that our TV is provided by AFN Europe. I alluded to “Squeakers the Hamster” in a prior blog. Since it’s impossible for me to do him justice, I’ve found a way for you to experience Squeakers for real. Go to From their home page you can click on Squeakers. There you will find all six of Squeakers’ OPSEC commercials. I can’t help but laugh every time I watch one. They are ridiculous! Be forewarned – the commercials aren’t cartoons. They use real animals. I’m just not sure why the cat is always the bad guy.

Eventually the day off came to a close. Congratulations to all the new PC graduates! I hope the ceremony was memorable. I couldn’t help but notice that the weather in Providence sucked all weekend. It was sunny and hot here the whole time.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love Squeakers! For some strange reason she makes me hark back to Mr. Bill, Mr. Hands, Sluggo and Spot..."Ohhh,nooo!"