Monday, April 9, 2007

09 April 2007: Soundtrack by Radiohead

Remember the pigeon I mentioned? I found him exactly where he had been wallowing in a catatonic state. He had died. The poor bird just looked like he was sleeping. Sometimes this place seems as though it's part of a movie set. There's no doubt the soundtrack would be by Radiohead.

Now the day was rather busy. We held our training session for about 80 soldiers - representing several of the units that call COB Speicher home. The training will continue tomorrow. Without getting into specifics I'll give you a little understanding of what my team does. We're the good guys - as in we're the ones who start training these various units how to get their storage containers and bulk equipment home. In essence, I head up the team of professionals that assist soldiers in getting home faster and more efficiently when their deployment is over. It's very gratifying because we serve the warfighters (nobody has earned the right more than they have). That was a "vanilla" description of what I do but it should be enough. Now you won't have to scratch your head when I talk about my team and our training.

I just completed a book that I enjoyed and recommend. It's entitled "Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq" by Thomas Ricks. I found it to be well written, unbiased, and very factual. Despite the title, the author does not reach a dire conclusion. Instead he brings you to this point in time, which is certainly a crossroads for the war. As I've mentioned in a previous blog there have certainly been errors made. The book spells out a good many of them as lessons to be learned and used to make corrections. Anyway, go check out the book.

I'm jumping around a bit right now on subjects. FOB Speicher is named after Scott Speicher. He was shot down in his F-18 Hornet during the first Gulf War. He's never been accounted for and remains MIA. Many of you probably didn't know that there was a U.S. Servicemember MIA from that war.

I've got the itchy typing finger tonight but I can't go on. I'm using a computer at the MWR and their are lots of soldiers waiting. Stay tuned for my introduction of a feature called "Port-o-Jon" humor - based on actual soldier grafitti found in the beautiful, luxurious, KBR portable toilets located on every FOB. Some of the grafitti is profound and could spawn a blog all of it's own. I'm proud to say that I will be bringing home to you some of the finest "Joe" comments from around Iraq.

Damn, my time is up. Hey PC cadets! I heard through the grapevine that you guys got into the pool around 0200 at the Military Ball. I better not get blamed although I wouldn't be surprised. My alibi is airtight so maybe SGM can take the fall. Later everyone. Sam from FOB Speicher, out.

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